Sunday, December 12, 2010

What a Blessing...

What a blessing it is to be a part of a family of believers and to call church your home. Ryan and I have only been to Millington Church of Christ for three years, but we are so very close to the people there. We could not imagine not having these people in our lives. Our church family has an immense amount of love for other people and always seek to do kingdom work wherever they are. They think that Ryan and I have blessed them so much by being at Millington, but we are the ones that have been truly blessed.
I can remember first going to Millington. I thought the church was o.k., but I did not want to spend anytime getting to know the people or being involved. In my mind, that was not a part of the plan that I had. I wanted to be in control of when and how fast we could get to Togo. Little did I know, that the Lord had other plans for us. As soon as I let my guard down and surrendered to the Lord's timing for our future plans, I felt right at home. It was like I had grown up at Millington. The people at this church are so warm and welcoming. They can't help but to draw people into the studies, fellowship, and service that goes on weekly.
I am so thankful that I allowed my heart to be broken down so I could let people inside. We will cherish these people forever. They will always be our family. The good-bye fellowship tonight was so meaningful to us. We know that wherever we go, our church family's love will help encourage us through the difficult times. I am so glad that God allowed us to have 3 years of waiting before going to Language School. I could not imagine going anywhere without the love, encouragement, and prayers from our family at Millington. God is good...all the time!

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